The Ballad Archive
A collection of mainly Irish song lyrics. You will also find plenty of Scottish and some English, American and Australian lyrics too. Online since 1996.
Preab San Ol
Why spend your leisure bereft of pleasure A massing treasure why scrape and save? Why look…
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Pretty Peg
When pretty Peg went down the street Some fresh fish for to buy But the wee…
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Pride Of Glencoe (The)
As I was a walking one evening of late Where Flora’s green mantle the fields decorate…
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Protect And Survive
Well the government’s made a document To help prevent embarrassment And in the event of an…
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Protestant Men
It was back in history’s page, the story’s told Of a Napper Tandy brave and bold…
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Pub With No Beer (The)
It’s lonesome away from your kindred and all By the campfire at night where the wild…
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Quare Bungle Rye
Ah, Jack was a sailor that roamed on the town And he met with a damsel…
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Queen Of Argyll (The)
Gentlemen it is my duty To inform you of one beauty Though I’d ask you of…
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Queen’s Maries (The)
Yestre’en the Queen had four Marys Tonicht she’ll hae but three There was Mary Seaton and…
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Quiet Land O’ Erin (The)
By myself I’d be in Árdaí Chuain Where the mountains stand away Oh ’tis there I’d…
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