Peggy Lettermore (2)
TradO welcome and acclaimed is she, my love
Dear to my soul, a thousand told, is Peggy Lettermore
Rise up, dear Peggy and stand up on the height
Count all your cattle and make sure they’re all there
O welcome and acclaimed is she, my love
Dear to my soul, a thousand told, is Peggy Lettermore
I have Brid and I have Kate but Peggy is the best of all
Whichever man wins her hand, a lucky man he will be
O welcome and acclaimed is she, my love
Dear to my soul, a thousand told, is Peggy Lettermore
I sent a message west to her, that I would buy a large boat
She sent a message back to me that a medium sized sailing boat would do
O welcome and acclaimed is she, my love
Dear to my soul, a thousand told, is Peggy Lettermore
The Galway fishermen are sailing from the east with a fair wind
With the light of a bright moon in order to see the “jewel”
O welcome and acclaimed is she, my love
Dear to my soul, a thousand told, is Peggy Lettermore