Helen Of Kirkconnel


Oh, would I were where Helen lies
For night and day on me she cries
Oh, would I were where Helen lies
On fair Kirkconnel lea

Oh, Helen fair, beyond compare
I’ll mak a garland for yer hair
I’ll bind my heart forever mair
Until the day I die

Oh, curs’d the heart that thought the thought
And curs’d the hand that fired the shot
When in my arms my Helen dropped
And died for sake o’ me

I laid her doon, my sword did draw
Fierce was the fight on Kirtleshaw
I hew’d him doon in pieces sma’
For her that died for me

Oh, would I were where Helen lies
For night and day on me she cries
Out of my bed she bids me rise
Oh, come love, come to me

Helen was meeting with her lover on the banks of the river Kirtle near Eaglesfield when a rival suitor appeared. A fight ensued, and instead of the suitor shooting Helen’s lover as he intended, poor Helen took the bullet. In blind fury the lover then cut the suitor to pieces with his sword. Fair Helen of Kiriconnel Lea now rests in her grave at the ruined Kirkconnel church. Her lover is buried beside her.