Brú Na Bóinne


Your mysteries lay hidden in stones that can’t speak
Thru’ time all your wondrous knowledge we seek
Be ye tomb or a temple we’d like to know why
On midwinter’s morning you seek light from the sky
Your white quartz stones must have brightened the days
When the sun it shone down and reflected its rays
You refuse us a key or some Rosetta Stone
We just gaze on the circles, the motifs and bone

Sing away Brú na Bóinne on the banks of the Boyne
Fal de da for your glory would not yield to time
Glory-O to the men and the women laid to rest
Who brought greatness to Ireland, the Isle of the Blessed

From your pillars of grandeur an answer is sought
When the tombs of the Pharoahs were only a thought
Irish folk in their labour looked up from the Boyne
To see standing a monument that would not yield to time
You saw chieftains, Na Fianna and monks stopped to call
As they trampled the hills onto Tara’s Royal Halls
And they watched on the cradle of our art and design
That inspired Irish artists much later in time

Sing away Brú na Bóinne on the banks of the Boyne
Fal de da for your glory would not yield to time
Glory-O to the men and the women laid to rest
Who brought greatness to Ireland, the Isle of the Blessed

For you’re set in a county still Royal with its arms
And a river of beauty with countless wild charms
And you stand there majestic a tower on the plain
And your passage of wonder a secret remains
So be proud all of Ireland of history long gone
That inspired generations of men later on
Your age is your greatness and a testament still
As you stand Brú na Bóinne on a Co. Meath hill

Sing away Brú na Bóinne on the banks of the Boyne
Fal de da for your glory would not yield to time
Glory-O to the men and the women laid to rest
Who brought greatness to Ireland, the Isle of the Blessed

Sing away Brú na Bóinne on the banks of the Boyne
Fal de da for your glory would not yield to time
Glory-O to the men and the women laid to rest
Who brought greatness to Ireland, the Isle of the Blessed

As sung by The Wolfe Tones. We have seen this beautiful song called Newgrange as well.