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Mharog's Horo Gheallaidh

Dia Duit!
Hey, you Roman-kissing fleabags! Does ANYBODY have a clue as to where we can get the lyrics to "Mharog's Horo Gheallaidh" by Clannad? It's not on their web site and I've Googled myself crazy, but the Gods have not smiled on me.
For the love of Sweet Erzuli Brigit, does anyone have a clue?
Magically Delicious,
Terrible Tommy Murray
singer/songwriter/forming a band

Hi Tommy,

Could it be this one you're looking for?

Lovable Pete

Mhórag's Na Horo Gheallaidh

Him ò ì og ì ò
A Mhòrag 's na ho rò gheallaidh
Him ò ì og ì ò

Mhórag Bheag a'chúl dualaich
gu dé dh'fhág an gruaim air t'aire.


'G iomain a chruaidh-laoidh gu buaile
'S nach fhaic mí mo luaidh a dh'fhearaibh.


'G iomain a chruaidh-laoidh gu áiridh
'S nach fhaic mi mo ghrádh a dh'fhearaibh.


Suithadaibh luadhaibh an cló
gu deise phósaidh dha mo leannan.


Chan eil mo leannan-so ga h-iarriadh
Thá té liath aige's té thartáin.



Wee Morag of the curls down her back
What has left you in such a bad mood?


Leading the cow-with-calf to the field
And I shall not see my sweetheart, lads


Leading the cow-with-calf to the sheiling
And I shall not see my darling, lads


Go on and waulk the tweed-cloth
For a wedding-suit for my beloved


There's a new one in the tailor's shop
And she is coming home today or tomorrow


My beloved does not want it
He has a gray one and a tartan one