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I've something to tell you dear

I have been singing the first few lines of this song for years, but cant remember the rest, and cant find it anywhere, it goes like this,
Open the door softly,
I've something to tell you dear
Open the door no wider
Than the crack upon the floor,
Open the door softly
I've something to tell you dear,

I think it's an Irish Folk song but not sure, a local band called the churchfitters used to sing it, but its not on any of their albums since they made it big.


Seems to be a song called just "Open The Door Softly". Here's the rest of the words. It's been recorded by a lady called Sara Grey.



Open The Door Softly

Open the door softly
I've something to tell you dear
Open it up no wider
Than the crack upon the floor
Open the door softly
I've something to tell you dear

Warm summer grasses
Have whispered it in your ear
Skeins of shining waters
Ask you patiently for to hear
Tall lonely timbers
Have taught it to the deer

Sad winds in autumn
Will tell you as they pass by
Wild geese flying eastward
Leave their music in the sky
Listen at evening
And answer the wild birds cry